CRESCO - Donna Hyberger is very excited about RAGBRAI coming to Cresco, and she has a fun way of showing it.
In the backyard of her house at 236 4th Ave. West in Cresco, she is displaying four screen paintings she made recently specifically for the RAGBRAI riders, which will include her husband...
CRESCO - Regional Health Services of Howard County (RHSHC) Board of Trustee Chair George Willis traveled to Washington, D.C. recently to discuss the impending Senate vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act.
The Iowa Hospital Association and Regional Health Services of Howard County sponsored...
CRESCO - The Crestwood High School class of 1967 began its 50th class reunion on July 15 with an unveiling ceremony of the 46th Statue of Howard County. It is located at the entrance to the former high school auditorium.
The plaque reads "Crestwood High School Class of 1967 Consolidated Schools...
CRESCO - Robbie Brokken serves as judge for the 56th Annual Cresco Fine Arts Show Sunday, Aug. 6 from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at Beadle Park, located on Highway 9, Cresco.
The Cresco Fine Arts Show features music and activities for all ages, including artist demonstrations, music performances, food,...
CRESCO - C.A.R.E. is ramping up to assist Howard County families in need as the few weeks before school, will soon dwindle to days. C.A.R.E., a nonprofit organization, established in 2007, hoping that with assisting with backpacks and school supplies it will alleviate some of the “big bucks” it...
Waterloo - Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging has its Aug. meals planned. Each meal includes milk. Meals are offered on a contribution basis for people over 60 years of age. Actual cost for the meal is $8.28. People under 60 must pay the actual cost.
Meal locations in Howard County are as...
CRESCO - Regional Health Services of Howard County alerts parents to make sure they get their teenagers vaccinated in compliance with a change to Iowa’s immunization law.
Beginning for the 2017-18 school year, and for all future school years, all students entering, advancing or transferring into...
CRESCO - There was an informational meeting for helpers associated with RAGBRAI® (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) on Monday.
Volunteers were given lanyards with a condensed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) packet attached.
For anyone who did not attend the meeting, the answers...
CRESCO - As with many great ideas, one inspiration led to another, which led to another, with the end result of Cresco’s RAGBRAI® XLV theme being “Pedal to the Paranormal.”
Cresco and Howard County are not scary places, but they do have a few curious and unusual occurrences that are beyond...
RIDGEWAY - The severe thunderstorm on Wednesday, July 19, hit Ridgeway and areas surrounding Ridgeway.