Cresco Fitness Center celebrates 20 years
Wed, 12/20/2017 - 1:39pm

Kim Hudecek TPD Staff
CRESCO - The Cresco Fitness Center (CFC) is celebrating its 20th year. What was once a vision for John Loveless and Jack Thomson, has now become a staple for community fitness, comradery and event space for social gatherings and tournaments. The Cresco Fitness Center, opened its doors on Dec. 1, 1997.
“John Loveless advocated for a Sports Center for years,” said Wendy Bohr, CFC Assistant Manager.
In the fall of 1993, the block where CFC is located became available. Thomson shared he would donate a half million dollars if a pool came with it.
And so it began. A core steering committee, consisting of Howard County residents including Lowell Sovereign, Thomson, Loveless and Wendy Bohr got organized.
“In the fall of 1993 the Howard-Winneshiek Community School District gave us the existing buildings that stood on the block the fitness center now stands,” said Bohr. “Three buildings were razed, and we worked to keep the existing gym. Jack gave the initial money to get things going. I believe it was right at $100,000.
Fundraising began in the fall of 1995. The first step was going out into the community and finding out who would enjoy the facility. The committee was surprised to find that a lot of middle-income families showed enormous interest.
“Those gifts, some of them small, helped get us to $2 million,” shared Bohr. “Almost 1,005 followed through on their pledge. There was only one that did not give.”
Designing the building, getting things going
The architecture firm of TSP of Marshalltown won the bid for the design. Dave Schulz, driven by what was coming from the committee, created the design aspects that guided the building that is now known as CFC.
“We had a major change midstream,” said Bohr. “The initial design included a pool house in front of the old gym building and redoing the old gym building. That came with a cost of $3 million. That was scrapped, and we decided to do the building alone and grandfather in the old building, that includes the gym. It saved us about a million dollars. What came out of all the work is the building as it now stands.”
Little was salvaged from the original building as asbestos was throughout. But one, rather large, piece of memorabilia was saved . . . the arch. That arch is now part of the retaining wall on the southwest corner of the block.
It’s not just the brick and mortar that needed to get in place before that opening day, 20 years ago.
A computer system needed to be put in place as well. That’s when Bohr and Sue Murphy came to the rescue.
“Sue and I worked three solid months to get the computer applications, accounting and check in program in place. We still use it today. We’ve looked at upgrading but have found ours still provides us with everything we need.”
Finding the Right Name
“At one point we were going to be known as the Cresco Wellness Center,” said Bohr. “The Park & Rec Board decided on the Cresco Fitness Center after debating briefly between Recreation Center and Fitness Center.”
Great things never change, and one of those great things is the first treadmill that was purchased. That treadmill, now going on its 21st year, is still on the floor, being used daily and has nearly 85,000 miles on it.
Elliptical machines, which were not prevalent when CFC opened, has increased from one to four. There are also two adaptive motion trainers and one lateral machine. Bikes went from two, both of which were donated, to the current seven, plus three Nu-Step machines for those on the higher end of the age spectrum and rehab clients.
A cable cross over machine, two matrix systems, a Biggest Loser ladder, fly and dip assist circuit pieces and multiple benches and weights for lifting are part of the fitness equipment.
Machines not doing it for you? There is additional cross-training equipment available including balls, resistance bands, bosu balls, kettle balls, bars, jump ropes, medicine balls and pylo boxes.
And if you look more toward the use of DVDs to keep you motivated, you may be interested in the collection of DVDs offered for use in four different rooms. DVDs can be used for personal workouts or small groups.
Special classes
Just like gym machines, classes offered at the fitness center have changes as well . . . except the ever-popular 8 a.m. water aerobics class. The class has been steady for 20 years and is fairly well attended. The noon hour swim has also taken off again.
Classes are generally offered from October through April or May and are diverse.
“Our classes depend on who’s here and what they want,” said Bohr. “What’s been popular now and over the years are Yoga, 360, Dynamic Focus, boot camps and Tabata.
Building improvements
“We’ve upgraded with carpeting, painting and of course maintenance is always ongoing because of the wear and tear on a building like this,” said Bohr. “We’ve become more energy efficient including things like energy efficient lights and energy systems associated with the heating system for the buildings.”
Most recent updates include the expansion of the batting cages, which was driven by what the community wants.
“We are also kind of known in the area as ‘birthday party central,’” added Bohr. “Sometimes we have 3-4 parties during any given day, and that’s a good thing.”
Rick McCarville shared that the senior crowd is the most surprising clients. This group continues to grow in numbers and types of activities they enjoy doing.
Part of that crowd is Craig and Flossie Morrison. They have been active participants since CFC opened and share that using the facility to stay active has “helped us stay fit, both from the physical and social aspects provided at CFC.”
Challenges Moving Forward
Bohr shared that one of the challenges moving forward is “getting into the new tech system.”
“The goal is to get things easier as far as Park & Rec programs go,” she noted. “Bill [Caffrey] is working with CPU of Cresco so parents can register and pay for their children online for Park & Rec Programs. Changes are slow, so this might just start with the basics of getting the kids registered.”
There will also be changes in staff. At some point Caffrey, McCarville and Bohr will be retiring.
Celebrating in December
CFC will be offering half price admissions through Dec. 31.
“We are also still doing a lump sum membership through Dec. 31 as well,” said Bohr. “That means you will get an extra month at no additional charge.”
The CFC and it’s board gets it. They are driven by what the community wants to see, and for 20 years that philosophy has proven to be successful. Stop by Cresco Fitness Center for a day, a month and maybe you may soon find yourself a lifer, like so many other satisfied customers.
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