Update on Howard County roads
Fri, 09/09/2022 - 4:44pm
HOWARD COUNTY - As summer is winding down, Howard County Engineer Nick Rissman gave an update on roads in the county.
“Most of our projects have or are moving along as expected. Bridge OD-13, on the LeRoy blacktop, was completed by Peterson Contractors and opened to traffic at the end of July.”
In addition, Bridge S-10, north of Hwy. 9 on March Ave., was completed by county crews and opened to traffic near the end of June.
“We are currently constructing bridge HC-13, north of Hwy. 9 on Oak Ave, with county crews. We hope to have that opened next week.”
The paving project on James Ave./V26 (from Hwy 63 in Chester to 50th St./A23) and 50th St./A23 (from Jade Ave./V26 to Merrill St./A21 in Lime Springs), is moving along as expected. Bruening crews are currently crushing the existing road. They should be done with the crushing in early September. “Croell currently plans to come in to start paving in late September or early October,” Rissman added.
The grading project on Quail Ave., between 55th St. and 70th St. is the only project that has not been moving as quickly as planned. Poorly-timed storms have slowed it down, but it is still progressing and should be opened in September.