TPD honoring individuals, groups
Wed, 02/07/2018 - 1:39pm
Howard County - Do you know an individual or organization who has gone above and beyond being a cheerleader for the community? Well now is the time to show your appreciation of their time and talents by nominating them for the Times Plain Dealer’s “Citizen of the Year,” “Hall of Fame” or “Organization of the Year” within Howard County.
You probably have a person or group in mind. Why not take a little of your time to nominate that person for the hours of time they have volunteered over the year or years?
All that’s needed is the person, group or organization’s name, a contact phone number and a paragraph or two on their qualifications and why they deserve the honor.
The deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 23.
Nominations can be dropped off at the TPD office at 214 N. Elm St. in Cresco or mailed to 214 N. Elm St., Cresco, IA 52136. They can also be e-mailed to
Basic criteria for each honor includes having a high moral standard. More specifications are listed below.
Hall of Fame
Any individual or group of individuals from Howard County, living or deceased, is eligible.
Citizen of the Year
This honor will be given to any individual or group of individuals from Howard County who has/have contributed in a positive fashion to the betterment of Howard County in 2017.
Organization of the Year
The Howard County organization must have made a positive impact in the Howard County community in the past year.
For more information on each category, look for advertisement on page 15 of this week’s paper or call TPD at 563-547-3601.
Winners will be announced at the Howard County Business and Tourism Banquet, with a date yet to be determined.