Towel Drive for RAGBRAI®
Tue, 06/27/2017 - 12:35pm
CRESCO - Crestwood High School is having a Towel Drive for the upcoming RAGBRAI® event on July 27. The school is opening up its showers for riders.
The towels can be dropped off at the old bus garage, which is located just east of the football field and just north of NICC. To get there, a person should drive down Schroder Dr. Instead of taking a left at the first turn, take a right. The pole shed is on the left.
The building (old bus garage) will be open weekdays from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. for drop off. Towels can also be dropped off after hours outside the building, weather permitting.
The Towel Drive Fund-raiser will have individuals purchasing towels for a fee.
Towels will not be returned.