School Board spec. mtg.
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 12:59pm
—Finalizing supt. search info

Howard County - The Board of Education at Howard-Winneshiek Community School District called a Special Meeting to order on Wednesday, March 22 to finalize promotional materials regarding the search for the district’s next superintendent of schools.
Dale Monroe, a regional search associate from the Cedar Rapids-based search firm, Ray and Associates, Inc., was present via Skype to speak with members of the Board of Education. The firm was hired by the Board to assist them in their search.
Monroe has conducted a series of meetings at Howard-Winn, seeking input from constituents and stakeholder groups, including teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, students, non-parent community members, the Board, and others, to determine qualities and characteristics desired to fill the district’s lead administrative position.
The search firm also conducted an online community survey, open to all district patrons, to further help in the search process.
“One hundred fifty-four people, including [the Board], filled out the survey,” Monroe said on Wednesday, noting that the firm has acquired all of the raw data from the survey and has since summarized the findings in order to develop a brochure seeking qualified applicants. “In the end, what we want to do is have agreement on the characteristics we’re looking for.”
Deadline for applications is April 25, 2017. After which, the search firm will begin narrowing down the pool of top applicants for presentation to the Board. The firm will also assist the Board with the development and finalization of interview questions, and the Board will then move forward to select finalists for interviews.