Meet new H-W supt.
Wed, 09/21/2022 - 3:49pm
Einck will ‘do what’s best for students, ALL the time.’

CRESCO - Mr. Kris Einck took the helm at Howard-Winneshiek CSD on July 1. He moved one county to the west from his previous position as superintendent and secondary principal at South Winneshiek CSD.
He is currently in a sharing situation with H-W getting four-fifths of his time, while South Winn continues to have him one day per week.
Einck is married to Dana, and they have five children, Dayton, Nicholas, William, Elizabeth and Easton. The youngest two are attending Crestwood this year.
The superintendent grew up in Postville and graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Education and Studies. “Then I received my master’s degree in Education Leadership from Winona State University. Finally, I earned my Superintendent’s certification from University of Northern Iowa.”
Einck decided to interview for the position because Howard-Winneshiek offers fantastic opportunities to its students, specifically the partnership with NICC, and he wants to build upon these things.
“I believe Howard-Winneshiek Schools do great things, and my vision is for our school to be the best!
“My immediate goal is to become acclimated to Howard-Winneshiek Schools and continuously look at ways to improve our educational programming while maintaining our budget.
“We always need to balance our budget to make sure we are a solvent district while providing the best education possible for our students.”
Einck noted the first few weeks of school went very well. “I was very excited to begin the school year and establish the routine. I am really looking forward to continuing to meet everyone and working to offer our students endless opportunities.”
Einck finds satisfaction in his career. Some of his proudest moments include teaching. “I was balancing seven different classes each day while teaching a wide spectrum of students, increasing my numbers and improving the facilities. As an administrator it was working with teachers to make a difference in our young people’s lives. As I always say, ‘We do what’s best for students, ALL of the time.’”
In his spare time, the new superintendent likes to spend time with his family, being outdoors, and he loves sports!
Einck is happy to be staying in the area in which he grew up. “The people of Howard County, and really Northeast Iowa, in general are some of the nicest, kindness and welcoming people anywhere. The area is beautiful and provides many opportunities for recreation and employment.”