L.S. lift station being repaired

LIME SPRINGS - Public Works Director Tyler Smith explained some problems at the lift station by Casey’s for council members at the Dec. 6 meeting.
MiEnergy had a power outage on Nov. 26. That put the lift station and sewer plant out of service for a few hours.
He noticed the lift station, which has two pumps, only had one running. He discovered the relay switch had to be manually tripped every 45 minutes during high sewer demands and every three hours over the weekend. Parts were ordered and should have been installed the day after the meeting.
Smith also mentioned a less expensive snow pusher that would be beneficial for the winter.
• In other business, Council discussed property tax income splits for all the entities. In FY2023, the general fund received 50% of the $137,355. The community center received 5%, the fire department - 8%, library - 17%, parks - 5% and  pool - 15%.
Members will decide on percentages at a workshop scheduled for Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. Also to be discussed will be the city’s budget.
• Scott Osmundson reported the Fire Department went on one mutual aid call to Cresco, but was called back before they got there. He noted the fire trucks were moved out of the station for Christmas in Lime Springs. 
The department received a donation from CUSB Bank for the generator, which is on order.
• There was no Community Center report.
• Eddie Miller gave an update on the Library. New officers include Miller as president, Laney Frazer as vice president and Holly Andersen as secretary.
There were 410 patrons served by the library in October.
• Sharla Lieder stated the pipes for the pool were recently filmed with a camera. The estimate to fix the pipes, which are leaking is two-phase at $71,000 and $48,000. The pool is currently asking for donations.
She added the Park & Rec. Department did well with hosting Festival of Trees. There was good feedback and the group will likely do it again next year.
“We didn’t make much money for Christmas in Lime Springs, but it was good advertising,” she said.
• Council set Jan. 3 for public hearings. The change in ordinances include Animal Control & License Ordinance, change time for regular council meetings to begin at 6:30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. and other verbiage and mandatory garbage charge to be added to residential properties.
• A liquor license was approved for LS Tap for BBS Properties (former Mill House bar).
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 3.

Cresco Times

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