Cresco Motel changes owners
Thu, 10/06/2022 - 12:13pm

Marcie Klomp ~ News Editor
CRESCO - On Friday, Sept. 23, Zahid Ali and family turned over the keys to Cresco Motel after owning the local business since March 14, 2008. Zahid had it all figured out — 14 years, six months and eight days.
Zahid, his wife Rubina Kousar and children, Burhan, Hanan and Aleena, are sad to leave Cresco. The two boys graduated from Crestwood High School and Aleena was born in Cresco.
The family is currently looking for another property to purchase and are staying in town with friends, Stan and Connie Kepros.
“They have been our friends since we came. Stan and I go hunting and fishing together.”
“We want to find a town as good as Cresco. Everybody is so, so friendly. The school is very nice,” said Zahid. He said there were no problems for his children.
He added, “We are almost crying that we are leaving Cresco.
Both boys have gone to college for computers — Burhan graduated for engineering and Hanan is an honors student at Iowa State, studying software engineering.
The family is originally from Pakistan and lived in California before moving to Cresco.
Zahid has not had any problems with operating the motel at all. “The customers are nice and cooperative.”
The business was sold to Arif and Bibi Sheikh and their son, Usman. Zahid is hoping everyone is as friendly to the new owners as they were to him and his family.