Sheriff spends night in cooler


Sheriff Mike Miner was the last “inmate” to spend the night in the Howard County “cooler.” It literally was a cooler, since there was no heat in the building as it was being shut down.
The LEC is scheduled to be shut down on Wednesday, Feb. 21, with Decorah handling the 911 calls. Also shut down are the Treasurer’s Office and District Court. They both use the same fiber optic line as law enforcement. Everything should be switched over by Wednesday afternoon or Thursday.
The switch-over may be delayed because of the bad weather predicted for the area over the next few days.
It was first planned to allow locals to spend overnight in the clink as a fund-raiser, but with no heat, Miner was the only volunteer. “It was a little different,” he laughed. “The cement is hard!” The sheriff spent the night in the single cell instead of the bull pen.

Cresco Times

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Cresco, IA 52136

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