Cresco Food Technologies looking to expand City Council learns
Wed, 02/20/2019 - 1:10pm
Marcie Klomp ~ News Editor
CRESCO - It was not surprising when Cresco Public Works Director Rod Freidhof told council members his department has been busy with weather — snow storm, cold weather and watermain breaks — during the previous few weeks.
At the Feb. 4 City Council meeting, he noted during the coldest days, Jan. 30-31, with wind chills in the negative 50s, “We did whatever needed to get done and then got the equipment off the roads.”
In other business, Freidhof read a letter to council from John Anderson of Cresco Food Technologies, which has plans to expand.
If the company does expand, it wanted to see if the City sewer had the capacity for an increased load. Cresco Food was hoping to double current limits for BOD, TSS, TKN, flow, etc. In addition, a dryer tower would be 85 feet high and would need a variance from the City.
The company has purchased 2.5 acres of land to the east for future expansion.
Freidhof stated, “I’ve made contact with WHKS (Engineers) to see what we can give them. If we get closer to an answer, we’ll have to address the odor.”
Council member Steve McCarville piped up, “It hangs between the houses. I’ve had a lot of complaints.”
A taller smoke stack was mentioned, and council member Alex Fortune explained, “A higher stack will make it a larger broadcast area.” This would spread the odor over a larger area.
Freidhof added Cresco Foods would have to get DNR blessing to proceed.
Fortune then said, “No matter what a company brings in funds, there’s still 3,800 people in town.”
• City Clerk Michelle Girolamo reported the City received its annual royalty check for service line warranties. “This year we got $3,600. In the past it has been around $2,500. Over the past eight years, we have received $21,000. A lot of people appreciate having that service.” The money goes into the general fund.
The City has 288 residents signed up for the water line, and 308 enrolled in the sewer line warranty.
For claims, over the past eight years, there have been five water line claims, with a savings of $3,448, while the sewer line had 52 claims, with a savings of $113,200.
• There were 13 applications for housing rehabilitation. Girolamo explained five are eligible, and the City is waiting on another five to be verified. “We had a goal of six projects, so we should be good on that,” the clerk said.
• All the City departments had submitted their budgets, with some items being scratched or postponed to another year. Cresco Public Library was the last budget to be approved. One issue was the carpeting.
The Library Board and Foundation budgeted for new carpeting on the main floor. It is 29 years old. After looking over the carpet, council felt it wasn’t in terrible shape and to hold off a year on having it recarpeted. They did suggest having it professionally cleaned, which hadn’t been done since 2011-2012, which could possibly spruce up the flooring.
Library Director Cynthia Kay is obtaining bids on the work, to be done after the fiscal year in June.
• A resolution was approved allowing up to $50 in credit for households running water to avoid frozen service lines.
When the water temperature is below 38 degrees, and residents want to leave the water running (with a stream of the width of a pencil), they need to notify City Hall. They will then be allowed a credit for extra water used.
• Council agreed to allow the Planning and Zoning Commission to re-zone the block south of Reicks Monument and Stone, which includes the area between 4th and 5th Ave. SW and between the Protivin Road and Vernon Road. It is currently zoned R-4 (Mobile Home Park). Freidhof suggested it should be changed to R3, which allows for multiple family residences and a maximum height of 45 feet.
• Eight residences and commercial facilities were approved for the Urban Revitalization Plan. Those who plan to improve their properties by adding a structure included Deanna Heimerdinger; Maxine Jordan/Maxine Herold; Cresco Food Technologies, LLC; Adam and Mindy Jones; Daniel and Juliana Huiskamp; Charles and Joan Curtis; Mark and Kathy Grinhaug; and Corey Baldwin.