Community Leadership to TPD
Tue, 04/23/2019 - 12:21pm
—Times Plain Dealer recognized by its peers for promoting local businesses, individuals

CRESCO - The Times Plain Dealer was recently given a first-place award for Community Leadership at the 2019 Better Newspaper Contest through the Iowa Newspaper Association.
The judge for the contest wrote, “This is clearly a local paper that cares deeply about its community and represents the best of what a small-town paper can be — not only a source of information and entertainment, but a leader across a wide range of community issues. Great job!”
Staff submitted several examples of how the TPD supports the communities and people of Howard County. Most of the samples have the newspaper lifting up locals or sponsoring an event that benefits local businesses or organizations.
• The Veterans Day section features area servicemen. The submitted example also gave an update on the then-unfinished Freedom Rock project.
• The TPD-sponsored Hall of Fame, Citizen(s) of the Year and Organization of the Year was mentioned for giving local do-gooders a chance to be honored during the Howard County Business & Tourism Banquet.
• Girls Day Out helps promote local home or brick-and-mortar businesses, while giving the ladies of the community a reason to get together for some fun.
• In the past three years, Times staff has researched, written articles and put together two history books. Cresco and Lime Springs were each given a detailed book about their history.
• At Christmas, the paper sponsors a Giving Tree for the local care centers. Sometimes the elderly of the community are forgotten. The TPD has not forgotten all our seniors have done to make our communities what they are today.
“We were humbled to learn we had won first place for Community Leadership. The Times Plain Dealer certainly couldn’t have done it without the support of the residents of Howard County!” said publisher Dan Evans.
“This is a great community, and we are proud to support it as much as it supports us. It’s a win-win for everyone!”