Lime Springs - Many times when a person receives bad news, those who know him don’t know what to do to help.
During this harvest season, it was an easy decision for many who know and love John Mahr of Lime Springs. He was diagnosed with fast-moving Stage 4 brain cancer on Friday, Oct. 27.
[Editor’s Note: On Jan. 10, 2017, Shellie Gossman found out she had breast cancer. She is sharing her journey with Times Plain Dealer readers.]
CRESCO - July 31
It is hard to believe it has almost been seven months since I was diagnosed with IDC.
So much has happened.
I have been through 16...
[Editor’s Note: On Jan. 10, 2017, Shellie Gossman found out she had breast cancer. She is sharing her journey with Times Plain Dealer readers.]
CRESCO - I have finished chemo treatments!!!
I am so happy to be done with those. That treatment was not fun. I felt horrible the whole week after. I...
[Editor’s Note: On Jan. 10, 2017, Shellie Gossman found out she had breast cancer. She is sharing her journey with Times Plain Dealer readers.]
CRESCO - I have finished week 12! I can’t believe it has been 12 weeks since I really started this. As I have said before it is going pretty fast.
[Editor’s Note: On Jan. 10, 2017, Shellie Gossman found out she had breast cancer. She is sharing her journey with Times Plain Dealer readers.]
CRESCO - My fifth treatment of Taxol only was on March 6. Same side effects of nausea, headache, bloody nose, very dry skin, cold hands, no taste, and...
CRESCO - Dec. 28th, 2016 I had a doctor appointment with my regular doctor. I had felt a lump on my left breast while doing a self check. My doctor thought it was just a cyst and scheduled a mammogram for Jan. 4, 2017.
At that mammogram the radiologist read the results that day. He told me that...