LIME SPRINGS - A Quilts of Valor ceremony was held at the Spring Apartments in Lime Springs on Friday, July 29 for four veterans who live in the complex — Brad Hovey (U.S. Navy), Arnie Kotval (U.S. Air Force), Ryan Palmer (U.S. Army) and Gary Price (U.S. Navy).
The event was hosted by another...
CRESCO - Some may think that being the owner’s kid gives him a free ride. That can’t be further from the truth when it comes to John Gooder.
He had to prove himself by slowly taking on responsibilities at Plantpeddler at which he excelled. He earned the respect of his coworkers, his parents (Mike...
LIME SPRINGS - Sweet Corn Days (Aug. 12-14) is bringing a little bit of Vegas glam to Main Street. Straight from Fremont Street in Las Vegas, Crush will be playing as the headliner for the Saturday night (Aug. 13) musical entertainment from 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
Brian Lewis as Elvis will be Rockin’ the ‘...
This amazing picture was taken by Kelsey Schumacher, who was on the Regional Health Services of Howard County’s Elma Ambulance crew during an early Sunday morning, Aug. 7, fire at the intersection of Quail Ave. and 180th St.’s Reicks View Farms’ hog barns. She noted she was just lucky to get the...
CRESCO - City Clerk Michelle Elton stated Mediacom informed the City that four packages will have their rates raised by 25%. She added she would be giving department heads the Capital Improvement Plan to make updates to it in October.
• In other business from the Aug. 1 Cresco City Council meeting...
HOWARD COUNTY - On Aug. 3, 2022 at approximately 10:55 p.m., the Howard County Sheriff’s Office received a call that a semi with a manure tanker went in the ditch on 130th St., west of Bell Ave. (south and east of Riceville).
The caller advised that approximately 5,000 gallons of manure had...
CRESCO - It’s Thursday afternoon and things are hopping down at the Cresco Open Air Market. The offerings for sale run the gamut from bath bombs to mushrooms, from handmade wood furniture to prize winning kolaches and more.
Open air market manager Ashten Lienhard is happy with how the market is...
CRESCO - One of the first flight breakfasts took place at the Ellen Church Field airport dedication on July 13, 1975. The Cresco Jaycees served the breakfast at a cost of $1.50 for those 13 and over and $1.00 for those under.
The breakfast was served from 7-11 a.m. After that, hotdogs and pop were...
CRESCO - The Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 40th annual Fly-In Breakfast on Sunday, Aug. 7 from 7:30 a.m.-noon, at Ellen Church Field (Cresco Airport).
The breakfast features omelets (or eggs anyway) and pancakes. Cost is $10 in advance (Cresco Chamber, Cresco B&T and CUSB Bank) and day of...
CRESCO - The Cresco Fine Arts Council has hosted the event, one of the longest-running outdoor art shows in Iowa, since it was established in 1961. This year, it takes place on Sunday, Aug. 7 from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Artists from around the Midwest gather at Cresco’s Beadle Park each year to...