Howard-Winn participating in vulnerability assessment
Fri, 10/28/2022 - 9:05am

Marcie Klomp ~ News Editor
CRESCO - Howard-Winneshiek CSD Supt. Kris Einck announced the district will be having vulnerability assessments on Nov 10-11 at the high school, K-8, Kessel and NICC as those buildings are owned by How-Winn.
He told board members at the regular meeting on Oct 17, the Governor’s School Safety Initiative is paying for the assessments. “Representatives will walk around the facilities and tell us what we can do to be more safe. We will also receive radios for free,” Einck said. The district will then get a report.
Director Shirley Sovereign asked if they would assess or compare how the new addition will solve some safety issues. Einck said it would.
The superintendent stated the Capital Campaign got a financial boost from the Booster Club for $50,000, as members donated the money recently.
• In other business, secondary principal Lisa Dursky reported during that day’s professional development day, the teachers were given the opportunity to work on quarter one grades.
The high school musical “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” will be performed on Nov. 3-5. “The high school shop class made the set of the dog house and a piano. Kim Lehmkuhl is the director and accompanist and Darcy Hendriks is the music director.”
She commended the 12 students who work on the Cadet Zone. “It promotes all things Crestwood — academics, the arts, activities and athletics. During the pandemic, Cadet Zone started a way to make events and activities accessible for everyone. The project began with one camera and a single lap-top and has grown to a student-led video production company.” The Oct. 14 game had 450 live views and almost 2,000 views between then and the meeting.
She ended by saying attendance at the last meeting was at 94% , and this month is was at 95%.
• K-6 principal Doug Sickles said the High Five Friday activity of high school students coming to the elementary to greet students as they enter the building. “It has made the students’ day.”
Kindergarten had fun going on a nature walk.
“Various teachers at Crestwood Elementary are hosting Tidbits on Thursday. This in an opportunity for a teacher to teach other teachers.”
There are 43 fifth graders taking band. Sickles said, “That represents one of our biggest bands in recent years.”
• Todd Coulter, Activities Director, reported Crestwood Football is the second seed and will be hosting North Fayette Valley on Oct. 21.
The cross country state meet is in Ft. Dodge on Oct. 28.
“We had 29 who participated in seventh grade football, which was the highest number in many years, and 19 played for eighth grade.”
He left after his report to attend the girls volleyball game at New Hampton, which, unfortunately, they lost.
• Facilities Director Larry Trende explained the addition is coming along well. “The goal is for it to be enclosed by the end of December.”
The electronic locks are being installed. Once the project is done, students will no longer need to carry key cards to get into the building as it will be all enclosed.
On a light note, he said the alarm will no longer go off when students are showering. After an earlier football game the alarm went off. The smoke alarm was switched to a heat detector, which should take care of that problem.
• The board authorized Sickles to be the Title IX Coordinator, with Dursky as the decision-maker. The roles will flip-flop, depending on which building is being discussed.
• Einck offered to be the equity coordinator, with Mrs. Lentz as the decision-maker.
• The board voted to have free and reduced individuals pay for their own NICC textbooks starting January 2023. After successfully finishing the course, they will be reimbursed.
In the past, the high school office had paid for the books, whether the student passed or failed the class.
• The $110,232.31 quote for weight room equipment from BSN Sports was approved.
• The first reading of 19 policies that needed to be reviewed were approved.
• The school board went into closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual.
• At a special meeting on Oct. 20 regarding early retirement (see separate story), the board authorized the purchase of two new ovens for the elementary and two new ovens and a heat cabinet for the high school. The money would come out of the food service fund.
• The next regular board meeting will be Monday, Nov. 21 at 5:30 p.m. at NICC Cresco Center.