Cram the Cab event
Mon, 03/06/2017 - 7:05pm

Howard County - The Cram the Cab event is happening now with an advance opportunity for area shoppers to purchase a few extra, non-perishable items and drop into a box that represents their favorite tractor. John Deere, green (represented by Bodensteiner Implement), International Harvester, Red (represented by Windridge Implement) and New Holland, blue (represented by Koshatka Farm Equipment).
On March 14 representatives of each Implement will participate in a grocery cart race around Fareway in Cresco, they will be racing to fill a list of additional food pantry items.
After the race, the items from the green and red boxes and the grocery cart race items with be placed in the cab of each tractor to determine the winner, gauged by who has the fullest cab! All items will then be donated to the Howard County food pantry.
Area residents are invited to come on out and shop at Fareway in Cresco and beginning on March 1, please donate a few extra items for the local food pantry by simply dropping them near the exit, into the box representing the tractor of your choice!
Will the winner be RED? Or will the winner be GREEN? Or is BLUE going to take it all? What is your favorite? We will see who wins on March 14.
So, let’s get shopping!
For additional questions, please contact Kristi at Howard County Farm Bureau: 563-547-2937 or