Cleaning up others’ junk along Turkey River
Wed, 04/05/2017 - 12:59pm

Cresco - Want to help do something that benefits the earth? Here’s your chance.
Driving along any road or highway a person can see litter and trash. Some of it is accidental, like when the wind blows a paper out of your hands, and it is gone before you can catch it. Other times it is intentional, like the trash found along gravel roads, like King’s Road.
Last November Paul Lovell and friends saw first-hand how inconsiderate of nature some people can be. While kayaking the Turkey River south of Vernon Springs, after the trees had shed their leaves, he saw a hillside full of junk along King’s Road southeast of Cresco on the DNR’s Turkey River Wildlife Management Area.
“There was all sorts of garbage — mattresses, appliances and more, all over,” Lovell said.
Now that spring is here, he decided to do something about it. There is going to be a Turkey River Area Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 15, from 1-6 p.m. Those wishing to help should meet at Cresco Bicycles at 1 p.m. to learn the plan for the day.
Lovell also talked with Hawkeye Sanitation, who will supply dumpsters to the area for appropriate items. Bruening Recycling will take the appliances, Fareway is donating water for the volunteers, Times Plain Dealer is giving a gift certificate to the volunteers and Cresco Bicycles will provide pizza and beverages after the hard day’s work. They will also be giving 20 percent off bicycles and 30 percent off clothing and accessories for all those who help.
“This is going to be dirty, hard work,” said Lovell. “Bring heavy gloves and appropriate footwear. Vehicles with a wench would also be appreciated.”
Celebrate Earth Day, April 22 by honoring Mother Earth. Come join the party, get some exercise and do a good deed on April 15!